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For savings
1 1/2% for borrowing [[wajar?]]
[[strikethrough]]#1 [[/strikethrough]] #3 [[strikethrough]] most imp. is pelayanan 
1 minjgu | 1 minggu or less
1 bulan |
15 hari | 1 hari
3 hari | 5 hari, 3rd 1 mo.

Mang masuk targgal 20
20 - 25 no realisasi, class
he tingkat
to Cabang
700,000 not to Cabang
before 1 mil.
at bank swasta [[strikethrough]] knee [[strikethrough]]  treated like a king
at govn. bank not so
given drink 
open area at private  banks |nengecewakan at BRI hard
to find people, hard to to talk to anyone