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6. visa application
7. corporate card
8. Gemini publications
9. how funds transferred - initial amt for setting up
8. how salary transferred from U.S. bank
9. if not officed at Indo consult, what is our relationship with them - spell out in detail so no misunderstanding
10. contacts w/ ADB (thru Ray Renfrow, ADB progr. off?)
11. type of laptop (Bruce previously recommended Toshiba 486, but is $4500 w/ modem)

Gully DAI rep

12. how set up accounts + role of Indor. - Bruce previously said DAI offering to do all of invoicing. Farida, Fin officer for Indor. 
13. who will recruit sec + data clerk? (Bruce prev. said Indor. wld [[would]] hire)
14. who controls what in budget (prev. Bruce said DAI shld. [[should]] keep control of budget for domestic tickets, car rental, per diem travel, etc.)
15. expense forms
16. reimb. shuttle ticket
17. new budget
18. 8th + 10th every mo. $1000 pers project advance - start up expenses. Panin Bank ([[?]]) $ + Rep acct. 5 wks bad time