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Aug 16 Anom

prototype just

Patricia - 5256676 5253977

— Francisda Indareari - program officer  Women's Support Project tahap kedua
— 25 or 26, Thur or Fri morning 

Aug 16 Titi - Briefing 

Pokjas have wakils from Depts,
not necessarily decision makers 
32 steps of P2W 
P2WKSS - funding from Jonah 

Sept 15 — Inception Report 
Senin - 9:00
need petunjuk P2W KSS
mapping kondisi wanita
P2W = Peningkatan Peranan Wanita 

diangkat just before the ministerial meeting

asst. Lani Min Bedang
Kejahteraan — Pak Pardan
[[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] wrote Rep. VI
[[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]]
direction of change

NGO Klompok Tani
Dharma — W.

MKGR relative of Golean