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[[left page]]
grating components)
problem no members full-
Titi feels need full-time &
secretarial (2-3 persons
Murasa suggests biro
will also handle computer)

PSW can do "situation analysis"
PSW als. a member of team pengelola
3 comp.
(grass roots) PKK
situation analys PSW
(executing) BKOW (women's org.)

[[right page]]

NTT| criteria for choosing areas
1. political commitment (yang serving Ketema Wakil
Gub. will know)
NTT Bappeda very committed
2. org wanita Rarus farmonis dengan PKK
(no conflict among [[symbol-women]]'s orgs)
like Kal. Timur
Pak Sumarno
DA| kepingan Jogja
2 alternatives
can be discussed on 22nd
-3:00 change-
letter UPW - Lobby