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Stoughton March 26th 1931
Dear Doris
I am happy to say those bulbs are planted in the ground every mothers son & I am thankful for it. I put the last of them in Saturday I felt that there was coming a storm & it could not be possible to work out in the rain, so I just buckled down to it yesterday. I was awful tired & after ward my leg ached like the tooth ache, all the evening, but I got them in thank the Lord.  Pa said it made him lame I suppose it was the position stooping over so long, we are getting old & it effects us. I suppose. I went to Mrs Dykmans Friday after apples. she is looking frail, but the nurse said she had a very comfortable week, but was gradually wearing away & also said she had a very strong constitution.  she told me how it hurt her when the doctor set her jaw, she went to gape & unlocked her jaw so it had to be put back in place again. then in the afternoon I went down to Maudes with the dress I made, so she could work the pocket Maude just enjoys doing fancy work. we had a lovely time laughing & talking, it seemed good to get out where there was some one to speak to & then I had hardly got home & taken off my things when the telephone rung, it was