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Anna Lamb she said that Alice Talbot had passed out. She had just been told by Mrs Smiths daughter & asked if I had heard anything about it & I said no I hadnt. But I called up Percys folks & he said they had not heard so I guess it was a mistake.  Percy said Myrtie went back up to Vermont Friday morning. Pete McGarvey is building a double garage on this side of his house so it hides their piazza from us. Love the one who married Izabel & then Rosibel Tolman (little Henrys old girl) has got a boy baby. I guess he got a much better & smarter wife this time. We had a card from Lena this last week. I guess substituting was too much for her. She cant stand only about so much & then flops. We were sorry to hear about Mrs Buttings lame leg. I have put a steel chisel under Pa's feet in the bed & it keeps him from having the cramp. Dr. Ewing recomends it as a preventative, its a simple remedy try it. I remember Uncle Avery Capen used to have a sword under his feet, for the same purpose, he had cramp terribly & that was what he believed would stop it. Lizzie & Pas children used to make his bed & then thought it so funny when we come accross the ugly old thing at the foot of his bed. I got a piece of corned beef for Sunday it is a nice cut, we have not had ant before for a long time, Pa stayed down Thursday & he had a boiled dinner. (to the restaurant) it was a driving snow storm & couldn't come home, so I thought I would have some corned beef but not the vegetables just onions well the baby can wear her little dress Easter,,shall start it along Monday. 