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& they can devote their time on Henry who will be in their charge a good while yet I am sure. Lottie Stickney ran in a while just as I was getting supper, she says Old Fred is losing his mind and is provoked if she stepps out of the house any time & she is awful discouraged. Little Fred is nursing here in town. an awful good job they have lots of money & are crazy over him. Freddie is very good to the old people & I guess he is their whole support, according to Lottie, her girls are different she says. They don't think much of Annie Lees second marriage after having the nice home and apartment houses she had with the first husband, then to go off & bury herself down in the old Guile house, it seems she must have been crazy they feel. that she will see the difference & the old place isnt his either, well they have got their row to hoe not us. I should think Alice would feel as if she had been thrust upon her, in her old age. but she is used to being imposed upon and may make the best of it. Clement is not like Stanliey. the Ballentines have had a tree surgeon out looking over their trees (Davey) Pa says guess he will soak them. George Ring thinks thats pretty big & we hope he may tell them something about the nature of that old locus bush. The baby if she could get out in the field & run around she might work off some of her little animal spirits but she is a little Blake just like Henry when he was her age. so maude says full of it. A nervous child will always try to show off before company Hazel used to be that way but the less one notices it the better it is. I am making a pork stew for dinner. I am going down after some apples, if it doesn't rain. I have used up the squash & now have one more to get rid of I wish you had it. they are good just the same but too big to get rid of Ma