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Stoughton March 22nd 1931

Dear Doris There very sunny warm days. I think we have had our share of winter & now a change for the cold still hang on, but its better, if I could only get out in the sun & air but its cold wind, so I am afraid of adding to it. Nellie Maude Capen is buried from the home this afternoon. she was only sick a few days, three at most, she had a severe shock. Amelia was the oldest & she is over eighty & then comes Matty Bell she called here not long ago to see Arthur about the Capen Geneaolog & to return some papers she borrowed. I am sure you will improve this day by driving some place after the early flowers. I hope Mrs Cutting is going also, as she is so fond of seeing everything interesting & is so appreciative & therefore its makes it so much pleasanter for you all. Little Betty is certainly going to be a singer I guess. so when she is older she can take lessons in piano playing & that will be interesting for all. The birds are none of them here yet we heard a patridge wood pecker one morning. only the snow drops have appeared as yet in bloom the bulbs we first planted in the fall have just pricked through. I have got my boxes ready for tomatoes now am waiting for Pa to bring home some seeds. I sent off a letter to Alice yesterday I am anxious to know where she is. George McGarvy has just been once to show us their little fox terrior puppie about as big as a cat, she is crazy over him & held him all the time