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she stayed. Poor Jack they dont forget him its strange where he is, he was too old a dog to have to change his home & I hope where ever he is they will be good to him. He did think so much of us. it would be the very first place he would come for when they unhitched him, so George would say. he loved his home & its too darned bad. Anna Monk has had all her shrubs cut down & spolt everything apple trees & honey suckle bushes onimental oak & every bush she mostly prized. Old Leonard told Pa its was a mistake. he was hired (the man) to trim out some of the bushes and so cut them clear to the ground. their back yard looks as if a cyclone had struck it. she was away when he come & he laid waste to the whole thing. I'd hate to be in his shoes when she comes & sees the destruction he has made. Charles Welch has got another family in the Beals house that he has got to get rid of on account of their not paying their rent. Bly is their name he has bad luck in letting that house. A man over in the next yard was looking up into the trees yesterday, as if he had some motion of trimming up some of the branches. I doubt if they think of cutting them down I hope not. I hope they clean up in the back of the house the sooner the better before the little cat bird comes back to build in the black berries again. Rings cat was after them last year in spite of the briers she is an awful bird robber & they are afraid George McGarvey will shoot her but they should keep her muzzled or cut her clawse, darn such a cat. Well  it is time I started my fire to get dinner. I have got a roast of pork for our dinner. we have not had any meat all the week 'till yesterday. Did not hear from Lena this week. Pa went out the front door. & left the house wide open. I have felt cold & just noticed the house was cold, so I have had a refreshing change for once at least.
