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I had a letter from Georgia Briggs she has been sick but is up again and Alice goes a good deal to Chearland for where they are there is not any thing to attract Alice, too far away from civilization she speaks of their having a hard winter with snow storms still hanging on & also tells of hard times and only one steel mill running on time. so probably its the same there as it is every where. We hear that the Henri Johnson estate has passed into Walls hands (the butcher who bought out Atwood) so it seems the Irish are going in for imposing houses to live & make a show, same the world over, darn the Paddies they mean to be it. Eugene we hear is coming home, I suppose his room is too expensive to pay for longer. & they have done all they can for him he is too old to recover from such an operation I guess Pearl Drake has been lucky enough to draw another radio set from the State theater, which is the second one she has drawn this season. We read of Mrs Longyears death in Mondays herald. Most thinks she has been bad for some time, & thats the reason she has not been out here to see us. Well its too bad, she was a fine person & I liked her. Ma. it seems she was 80 yrs old. well preserved, I would not thought it possible.