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Stoughton March 15th 1931

Dear Doris

There was a white frost on the ground this morning but the sun is up & bids fair for a pleasant day. Pa has gone down after his Sunday paper & I have just got the work done & ashes all out on the side walk. so will get the letter off early. I took the cold about the time he got through with it & it seems to be in the back part of my throat & a little in my head. I have not much ambition & will lie down most of the day. Pa went to Masonic Meeting Friday night & I went to bed early but he came home a little after nine & had the cramp all night in both legs & caughed [[coughed]] & hawked between times, all night long. he never had the cramp any worse in his whole life as he had it that night. so of course neither of us got much sleep that night & I felt like a wet dishrag in the morning. & dont feel any better to day. I presume by another day or two, I will feel more like myself again. I called to Sues Friday & Myrtie and Esther Beals were there, also Lorings wife, & the Mardens are stopping there also I hear the insurance people are going to allow them $2200 on their house it may be some time before they get it ready to go into, it was terribly damaged by water & smoak [[smoke]].

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