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Harry Hooper is dead he did not live long after Bill his brother died (Ellas father).  Harry would never turn Catholic their mother was a Methodist ministers daughter they say.  Mr Sanhome funeral us this afternoon, he lived next to Knute in Lysanders house.  Eugene Toomey was operated on last week for hernia and gland trouble, Nellie said it was a very painful operation, so I guess they are very much afraid of his not coming through.  She said it was not taken in time she feared, the poor thing has worried night and day.  Alice goes in to see him after which is a great comfort to them all.  Ralph was over Wednesday night to talk bank.  He is anxious to get a job for Henry and we hope he does soon I made a call to Churchills the last time I went down town and she told about Marion Esti[[?]] being sick with Pneumonia, but would not have a nurse.  I pity Mrs Stratton (her mother). these only ones are hard to manage in the long run

My cold is doing fine and I had a good sweat this morning I started and by persistant work got a lot of ground dug so I have put in more than 150 of those bulbs but they has starters so much cant tell how they will come out just before christmas I shaded a strip where the beans were and today the frost is not out but the snow has melted and the ground is very wet on top. Your Ma has had a long nap on the Couch this afternoon and seems to be coming all right she put in a few of those bulbs in front of house just as she was coming down