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[8 March 1931]


You will find a slip from The Middleboro Bank to say OK to it and send back They will before long send one to you from here as well Banks are being verified this year in Mass. This has so far been the worst day for weeks the wind has been NE and it did not continue to snow but has rained all day has taken or reduced the snow at all I measured it where your tent was and found 7 in and it is 4 to 6 inchs on all of the ground that I use for our garden back of house so it will take some time to clean it off 

Fred was reappointed the past week so will be busy going through the trasfers and sales of Property since last April perhaps some three hundred of them is about the usual number. It is around seven oclock and Raining hard and bad wind I did not go down to the store so I will not have any force in the morning