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Stoughton March 1st 1931
Dear Doris
We have had an excellent sunny week but March is coming in cloudy, with rain perhaps before night. it seems good to have it warmer. We have moved into our old room which is better air & more comfortable all around. I went over the carpet with soap and water & it looks brighter & free from lint. Mrs. Churchill came up to see me Thursday afternoon, she said that Laila's son the Dunbar boy, had gone out to California. he drove out there all alone, 8000 miles in 11 days in an old Ford car & since then his Grandpa Dunbar has sent him out a brand new car, his father died, he graduated with honors from [[Seek?]] & goes to school there & seems to be a good student. she never had a child by this man, he is an accountant so Mrs. C said, she seems a despondent old feeble woman & worries a good deal of the time, all alone since he died. Estells husband is pretty much over his accident, but has not got back the sight of the eye yet, he goes to work through. Old Jack has not been home yet & George has hunted every where for him. he feels bad to lose him, as he has had hime ever since he was a pup. We think he would come home if he were loose & in any of the adjoining towns.