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I had a caller come last night after supper. The front door bell rang and on going to the door, two fellows stood there and one asked if I recognized him, he said he was Kelsey Nevins and that the other boy was his chum. from Braintree where they were living. he inquired several times after you and told how you used to take them to walk in the woods, when they were little tots. little George still belongs in the Navy & there father is in California, Mabelle & Mary are teachers & they run the household I take it & their mother is feeble & I take it also that he is a roamer, has been South & all through Washington, lived in Alexandria, Clarendon, & seemed to have had a lot of other towns he had been through, so I guess he dont ammount to much in help to support his ma or sisters. he said they were all musical, Mary played the trombone. We always thought she was the smartest one & I guess she turned out to be so. a funny family with not much stability & all for themselves. We had a card from Lena come yesterday, she is well & still working on papers, & enjoying having Miss Garland away on her vacation. I was down to see Mrs. Dykeman one day, poor thing she had a severe spell of indigestion & they have put her on some kind of baby food. Grae has been there this week, her vacation. Mrs Dykeman's legs are swoolen to twice their original size & shins. its a hard job to lift her, as she is a dead weight & pretty heavy. Jacks wife & another woman came while I were there. Jake Gitchel is down there visiting his sister, who is going away to keep house for him in the spring, but perhaps she will die before then, & wont need Mary any more. I hope she will end her sufferings soon poor woman, they want me to come often, as she seems to enjoy my being there Ma