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PS Your letter just arrived. The news of the bank you may in time get from Ralfale. Treat no business of ours. I did like the goods [?] melty + delicate
[Toughton?] Jul 25th, 1931
The gerund is frozen a foot down, hard [underlined] 
if the [?] here it wont be this month, although this weeks weather has been warmer than we have been having all winter. But dont you fret. We may get an early spring yet Ma 
Dear Doris

Another pleasant day is started in, but the paper has it its going to end up in snow & rain. but we wont borrow any trouble, until it comes. we have the cold NW wind but in spite of it the snow melts & the water suns in the gutters, as the sun is very hot. I went to "Boobies" funeral yesterday, as I felt that there would not be many there, five or six legion boys & the Pythian Sisters turned out. his casket was draped with the flag & the minister spoke well of him as being a soldier boy, & it passed off fairly well. he had a good supply of flowers & he was more human in looks, as the bloated look had passed away entirely from his countenance. his wife is a good burley woman & they say can work well, so I suppose can get along fairly well & bring up the little child, they may have to lose this place, as there is everything to pay on it, even last years taxes. but I guess she gets some pension from the government & dont know as she will I went home around to Sue's & found her looking pretty miserable. but still working. Alice being upstairs sound asleep, her ma woke her up to have some ice cream that someone had just sent into them & I was asked to partake of it also. The said Mystic was in Sandwich, but was going today to work in Providence. I did not inquire into it for it did not