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seem to interest me much. she will do well if she pays her keep from no on, as she was always lazy as the dickens. Monday it was so pleasant & nice Arthur & I were warm in the house, so we went out on the front Portice for a good breath of fresh air & while we stood there, we noticed a cream colored ambulance was back up to Toomeys front walk. pretty soon someone was brought out on a strecher & put into it with Dennis & Nelly following up in the rear. We asked Bing about it and he said that they were taking Eugene to the Philips Brooks hospital and the nurse went too. Golding said he couldn't tell what ailed him, his mind was effected & Bing said he should think it was a shock, as much as anything. that may be the last of "Old Moses". I guess it will be some bill to settle for some one, when it is all reconed up. I pity poor Nelly she is so feeble &  Dennis is probably following on. its pretty hard to grow old. I have been looking for your letter probably it will be here before noon. We have not seen Ralph since the fire in the other side of his bank. Tuesday night it started in the Dykmans side, in his electrical apperatuses, but was noticed by the officer in time to avoid a serious  catastrophy. as it was the damage was considerable, filled the bank full of smoke. Now I hope little Betty is feeling full of vim & you are all enjoying life & don't get any more snuffles. I will stop for there is nothing more to think of this time.  Ma