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the two Irishmen they had put up to run up against them if elected would oust Fred Clapp & Pa said if they did, he would resign mighty quick & Winslow said he would'nt work with that gang either, that was what some of the Irish want, & they want to get rid of Pete McGarvey but after a sleepless night on our part, we found out from George McGarvey early in the morning. the old board Capen & Green had beat out by a large majority. so we had much to feel thankful for after all. I guess a good bunch of the Irish after all cast their vote for the old board, for Jimmie told Mort the new ones (both catholics) were not fit for the job. & the one they have on now Sheehan, Pa says is a trouble maker. Well Ralph & Maude were up Sunday night Ralph we could see was on anxious seats. & we both feel sorry for him, I suppose talking the matter over with Pa relieves him some, I am glad you are both feeling better hope Mrs Cutting escapes the distemper. little Betty is learning new customs very early, glad she is so happy. would like to see her enjoy her apple, her apple, her mother [[strikethrough]] likes [[/strikethrough]] likes them well enough. I have not heard from Mrs Dykeman I told Kate to let me know if she was worse. I dont hear from Sues either & the Toomeys are still bad, they have the Di & also a nurse yet. this has been a hard winter for them. Stanley was here Sunday night with little Frankie George, he is a pretty child, he brought his ice cream & cookies with him & sat in the little rocking chair & ate them. now I must get my dinner Ma