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needed there as long as the boys live certainly. The Belchers are fixing up the Alice Talbot house at a great rate, the windows are open & painters in side, up stairs & down but draperies up in the parlor, I noticed one day I went down town last week. I hear Myrtie askes $45. a week where she goes out nursing & does the house work. she got $21. while nursing Alice. after they raised her wages. I suppose she considers herself an experienced nurse by this time. I am anxious to hear from Alice to find out how she stands it in that big house where she went. I am afraid her lame leg may prevent her working out, as she is so heavy on her feet, & won't diet as the Dr wanted her to. I suppose it is hard as she thinks so much of eating. Pa migrates from kitchen to cellar trying to heat up the house. I have managed to write the letter & now I will go down & start my dinner. I got some homemade sausage meat of [[strikethrough]] Lester [[/strikethrough]] Arthur Gay & we are to have some for our dinner with turnip & onions & potatoes to go with it. so this is hoping you keep fit & don't sleep in the tent.
