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[[marginalia]] PS your letter has just come & I was glad you are all well though cross poor baby she dont forget us. Ma [[/marginalia]]

Stoughton Jan 26th 1931

This pleasant warm weather wont last but it seems good after the severe cold days of last week, our snow & ice has quickly gone, under the warm sun of these last two days. I have taken advantage of it to wash everything insight, even my back room floors. Pa is down to the store & its most time for him to come to supper. he saw by the morning paper that Ollie Curtis had died he was in the hospital & his death was expected for some time, only last week Fred Clapp was in to see him, but I guess he did not realize anything. Pa went in town yesterday but brought home nothing. Kate called me down to see Mrs Dykeman she had been sick again & Erving was so cranky he refused to come at night, so they have Golding & like him better. she is a very sick woman & I doubt if she gets up again. she is worn out. she wanted to tell me everything, but could say only one word & then haul for breath then another & so on. they told me to stay, for it would do her good to talk to me as she liked me. she said her folks were all there Sunday, a house full, even to Lottie Stickney, they thought I was going to Die she said. I said she wouldn’t ‘till her time came. I did not get your letter yesterday & worried