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Stoughton Jan 25th, 1931

Dear Doris 
A cold day I am sitting here by the big radiator trying to keep warm while writing the letter. I have got my onions cooking to go with a hunk of meat I ordered yesterday after eating fresh pork all the week. I roasted a piece last week & then made the remains of it into a stew & it lasted the whole week. There is a little left now for Jack when he comes over whining at the kitchen door. It has been so icy I have been scart about going out so Pa has tugged home all the groceries besides every body else. I feel pretty much shut in this winter, on account of ice, but that is better than broken legs or hips so I feel like going slow for a spell longer. I got a letter from Alice she is to her new place caring for a Mrs. Pitee in Newton Falls a widow, with a big cement house, nicely furnished, every evidence of being wealthy, but lame, all alone, no relitives & apparently no driver so Alice thinks if her poor leg will only hold out, she will be able to fill the  bill. She answered an invertisement in the paper & the woman came over to see her & liked the tone of her voice & thought they would get along & the work would not be too hard & money did not seem to be any object with her ten dollars was all right.

Transcription Notes:
scart-> scared relitives -> relatives