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as far as she was concerned. has her car she drives when not too lame. After Alice was here the very next day, she went to Arlington to see Mary. the nurse they had to take the care of Charley the last eight days he lived was still with her. & she said she was completely played out & could not have come over to see Alice again so took her over there where she was receiving much better care than here & wanted to know what Lucy thought of her taking Alice over there & Alice told her I thought it was just the right thing for her to do. & she said she was very glad to hear it. it seemed that after Alice had the second shock Myrtie asked for more pay & she gave her three dollars more & Gerard gave her three more which made $21. in all so you see she got good pay. I dont know where she is now. she was to Percy's living on them. they are living in style she thinks & dont pay their bills. I think its growing a little warmer the sun is coming out again. this is up to twenty now. I hope you got the best of your cold. The little one dreams but she gets over it, too bad she cant see us she enjoyed being here it was so different than Mrs Foss, atmosphere & fields to go to pick berries everything was dear to her little heart. bless her but she will come next summer & like it again & the change will be good for her.  Ma