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Stoughton Jan 18th 1931

Dear Doris
This is the beginning of a very sunny warm day, but the middle of the week we were having pretty cold days. I went downtown Friday after it got warmer & got a few groceries & some meat for Sundays dinner, on the way home I stopped in to see Maude & show her the babies pictures, she was intensely interested in them & I told her to take her pick & I would take one, but she said she would wait & see if Sid did not send one to Ralph. Little Henry is looking for a job in the Cooperative bank. Maude said Ralph had found a new house a little out, where they were going to live & her folks were going to furnish it for him, their wedding present to them it was going to be. so thats the way he begins, he is a lucky boy & they must think a good deal of him. It is growing hazy the same as it did yesterday & the Sunday paper says snow. It does seem good to have the ground bare ice is gone from the sidewalks. Uphams shop has changed hands again, Albert S. Blake is President they have started in again to do business.