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Stoughton Jan 14th 1931

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PS Thank Sid for the magazine the first copy came Monday
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Dear Doris-

Alice went home Tues Afternoon, she was going Monday but it was a snow storm all day it snowed & then at night poured. so in the morning the snow had disappeared & we were all thankful enough, so yesterday was a glorious day & to day bids fair to be the same. Alice was going to see Mary to day. & so find out all the particulars about Charley Frenchs death of which she had not heard of, until she struck here, I guess they sent no notices anywhere, but they should have put it in the paper. dont you think. I am about over the cold & have washed out some few clothes they are frozen stiff aready so you can judge of our temperature, its colder to day. Lena wrote us & I am sending her letter for you to read. Pa looked up the shares that were [[crossed out]] paid up [[/crossed out]] working in the Cooperative bank but Ralph said Sidney hadnt any but he will send Doris if thats what you want.