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We got Mrs Cuttings nice letter Saturday. we were well pleased with its news to find she is content with her job. our ground I am afraid will stay frozen for some time to come those bulbs are up in the little serving room cool but not freezing at anytime. Myrtie we hear when she took her vacation went up home & bought a cow for Mildred & told them up there, she got $18. a week for taking care of Alice Talbot. Ida writes to Gladys all the news. Gladys is a book keeper in a Wholesale Grocery store in Medford & Percy Woods is in one of their stores of which this big store is composed of, she has the filing away of all the slips, a good job but hard to get there in cold weather, as there are so many changes to make & a good many waits for cars & busses [[buses]] out on the cold corners of the streets. We are glad to know that Alice is feeling much better than she did last fall while she was here & hope she does not have to be on her feet much as she thinks she has a slight tendency to varicose veins aggravated by her fallen arches. I wrote to Worcester folks last week & to Georgie Briggs yesterday so she may answer it & tell me where Alice Teele is. We heard that she was companion to an elderly lady. Well Pa is snoring in the bay window & Alice is by the radiator reading so now I will close by giving you her love & kissing the baby for her M