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breaking up Alices home here & taking here away to Arlington to live. Beatrice Monk was up to Morts Thursday & was full of it. it all proceeds from Gerard you see he is in with the Belchers. Orn Southworth even spoke to Pa about her giving away the furniture & breaking up her home. Mort told Beatrice what he thought of Gerard & that Mary had done the right thing to protect her from such a "rattlesnake" her money was all he wanted & to live in style. now let the Belchers support him, I guess they will soon get sick of it. The boxes came Friday, your clothes some of them, will do to be given to the Salvation Army, we gave a lot to them a few weeks ago. old coats & Pa's old clothes [moth breaders,] they were pleased to get them to gather with some magazines I had in the back room. A letter came from Lena yesterday, she is full of the De Otts affairs. she was going out to see Miss Dawson in the hospital. she was the one who made the bird she sent to the baby. & she said you could stand it up by spreading the toes. some way, I presume you have caught on to the trick by now. They have taken Mrs Lowe to the hospital the Dr told them it was the only way of saving her life, they had a specialist to see her. Arthurs Lowes little boy is still sick, he has acidosis always feeble, awful pretty behaved child. I suppose little Betty is very busy with her Xmas play things these days. You remember the little table that you had to spread your play things on, that must be up stairs somewhere & a little desk & stool also up over head. I hope you have all got over your colds & dont come down with more now Ma.