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Stoughton December 30th 1930

Dear Doris.
Your fat letter came this forenoon, in time for Lena to read before she took the noon train for Dr Otts. where she was going before starting home. Although not over her cold, she is very much better than when she came out & felt that a little out side air would be a benefit. yesterday she cut the dress, your present to her & by working on it this morning, after getting up, she nearly finished it. so she liked the goods all right. & the feel of it softness & warmth she liked. My cold is much better, I soaked my feet, when I felt that I was really coming down with one, & it slid right along without a hitch I told Lena I did not meet disease half way. & was not taking medicine as I believed some in Christian Science. yesterday I called up Sue & she was sitting up, but said the caugh was dreadful & it effected her kidneys Alice & Myrtie are both sick. Charley French Mary's husband is in a dying condition, so Jimmie his brother, told Pa yesterday. & probably by now he is dead. I pity Mary in her trouble. Alice is living with two women nurses very near Mary & Oscar her other boy is living near her, so that I guess they can manage some way amongst them. money means something at such a time. & hers & Alices put togather I feel will carry them through. It seems funny to