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Stoughton Dec 7th 1930

Dear Doris
We are having a spell of disagreeable cloudy days not very cold since Thursdays slight fall of snow. our turkey lasted a week & we were glad of a change. Pa says he is bound to have another one Xmas. Lena will probably show up then I hope she & Miss Garland have made up their differences meanwhile. Pa has just gone up in the woods after some princess pine, but he may not find any. do you remember how you used to go with him to get it & Lena would go after you went away also. I called up Anna to find out how Flossy Lowe was getting along, & she said just holding her own, Arthurs wife told her seriously ill with erysipelous [[erysipelas]]. Alice Talbot they took to Arlington two weeks ago today. Myrtie came back & found her gone so now she has got to hunt up another job. Mort Lamb has not begun on the new job yet, & may not untill spring so Anna said, and when he does they will come after him, & then bring him home. so much for being an expert in the art. I am about through sewing. Pete McGarvey had the little black dog stolen the other night, by someone coming along in an auto & picking him up early in the evening the dog was his wifes & they made of him a pet, very valuable dog. Jack comes over to see us whenever he gets loose they have ordered hunting dogs restrained during the