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Stoughton Nov 26th 1930

Dear Doris.

I am going to sit down to write the letter while Lena does the dishes, we have just been to dinner after a busy morning baking & getting ready for tomorrow. every thing done but baking my bread. Pa sent home a turkey (a ten pounder), with vegetables to go with it, & I made a large plum pudding yesterday & it baked four hours very slow. O how I wish you were all going to be home to it. but Mrs C is doing her best to feed you folks, as far as she can, if she has to deny herself. All day Monday I had a stiff neck & bad shoulder. I must have got cold coming home from Worcester, as I felt the draft from Irmas window, she had open all the way over & back. she wore her fur coat & so had to make herself comfortable, if no one else was. I hope you got the best of your cold so the rest of you wont have one.