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Stoughton Nov 23rd 1930

Dear Doris -

This has been an ideal day cooler than yesterd for yesterday was summers temperature all day. I wonder if you were roasting. I bought no meat for we are to have turkey thanksgiving & 'till then we are living a bit close, just as well not to stuff too much dont you think. Lena will probably show up as usual we hope. I wrote her last week & told her we expected her to come out to help us eat our turkey, unless she had a better offer. We have just got home (around half past six,) from Worcester a long ride but I am feeling not very tired as Irma drove easy & things passed off in a very agreeable way in other words. We did not catch the devil for not going up to their anniversary. they mentioned our not coming & their disappointmint for our not coming, but they said Mame should have got Helen to have brought her up there was no reason for their not coming. it was here that I told her about Mame being so poorly, her having a shock & being in bed a week. Addie said she had not heard a thing about it. her conscience then began to prick her a bit. her manner changed at once, you could see she looked ashamed Irma said she noticed it also. well it did me good to have a chance to show her she was too hard Henry seemed pleased to see us & came over from her