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Stoughton October 29 1930

Dear Doris,

While waiting for the potato to boil so I can mix up the bread, I will begin my Wednesday letter, although nothing has transpired since Sunday here. We are having warm foggy mornings & have not started up our heater, for this weather our kitchen fire heats us sufficiently. Lena will come out to vote, & Pa has cut up enough long sticks so we can start it up, in time to heat the house if need be. the leaves are falling fast, even the oaks are shedding their leaves, partly due to the dry season perhaps. I have been putting dressing around the rose bushes & crysanthemums by the back door, where the storm washed the dirt away I called over accross the street with a letter they left here by mistake & nothing but I must come in. she appeared to be a very good social sort, & told me that she came here from the west. I was glad to have met her. it makes better feelings on both sides. but the people in the new house I dont

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Its raining & Frank Monk has just come with the milk. I wish you were here to pertake of some its a long while to waile for you to come though. as the Poor baby thinks I guess
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