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her out to our place with so many birds & trees & green things around & the roses she is fond of. & picking berries over in the field & eating cherries she had a good time & would have stayed longer if I had urged her. but the hot weather upset me so I didnt feel like asking her to stay. I knew she was coming out again soon, to see you folks. she is good. & now wants to go up to New Hampshire with Iva. Aunt Maude is up there & Lena wants a chance to go out & get some of those blue berries. do you remember her sending us those blue berries, how I put up a doz quarts dead ripe, I had them to put up the next day as they were so ripe & Pa was haveing his sciattica meanwhile she wants to buy a shack & move up her things & go up summers. taxes are very cheap up there, she is going to do some work for Theodore this vacation. so far she has paid her expenses she says. We have not heard from Sues Folks lately, I thought to day I would call them up to see if there was any change. I dread the noisy firing of the fourth & shall worry about your coming home in the midst of it. The fire alarm sounded this morning abou four O'clock. We had a fire in the square two nights ago also, I do hope we get rain before the fourth, or we may all go up in smoke. berries are pretty plenty over in the field. I make a little pie every day. the little girl accross the way is very cute, she is Bettys age I think
