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should go alone. Mary Monk was buried yesterday, Franks sister, Charley Holmes, her husband died in the spring, so she did not live long after. there wont be many of us old ones left, they are going. Miss Coffin has retired on a pension this year, I think she has done her duty in taking care of her old aunts & mother. I think she has salted down her money, never the less, I hope so at least. George McGarvey is making more improvements on his house, by putting in a bathtub, & an extra window in his bedroom. they are both working still & living a selfish life with out children, they will be sorry when its too late I am sure. A little robin is building his nest up in our cordelia tree at the back door, she is way up in the top & was hard at is yesterday, that makes four nests started right around the house. the little cat bird in the black berry patch is sitting. I guess George fixed the crow who tried to rob it early in the morning, he must have hit him foreve have not see seem him since. he was afraid of the cat bird, when he fired. I am looking forward to the time when you start for home. it will soon be here