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Stoughton May 18th 1930

Dear Doris

A cloudy cool morning, but not much rain. our showers go each side of us as usual. Yesterday I was putting out seedlings & a few house plants, in tubs, the greater part of them to go out later, then tomatoes to set out, which will keep me pretty busy for another week. Pa turned on the water down cellar this morning, so that will be handy to keep them from drying up. I worked out yesterday all the forenoon so this morning I have made a custard & a rhubarb pie & guess that may tied us over for to day. The old crow goes sailing over every day George is going to shoot him if he can get the chance he thinks he has done mischief enough for one bird. 

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PS Sue came up from church to bring Horaces tax bill to [[A]] she was looking fair & told about H putting on a new pair of her stockins he had the heel up on top of his foot he kept picking at them so finally she noticed it & said "what have you got on!" they were a bran new pair hitched together. she dont see how he ever got them as they were among his things. he had all of Georges so you see he was well supplied I dont see what he lives so long for he is a trial & am afraid will be more so Ma,
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