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Stoughton May 7th, 1930

Dear Doris, 

This is a warm dry day everybody in town praying for rain but as yet there is no rain in sight. vegitation seems to be coming on fast our fruit trees are loaded with buds & blossoms. Jack Ogan has just brought us that old fashioned concord grape vine he promised Pa three weeks ago. He dug the hole for it the day after he promised it to him, and Ogan said its a fine sunny place & it ought to do well there.[out side of the little building]. one of our vines are dead the Lucille but the second is doing fine. the lilacs will be gone before decoration,  the last week things have come ahead by leaps,its been so warm. Pa is taking off the storm windows, next it will be the screen doors + mosquitoes. We had a terrible fight today between

PS Your letter has just come thanks for those seeds, now I will plant them in a box & see if I cant raise some! I hope we get rain. fires are going daily it seems to bad. every thing is so dry. the baby is a dear. Maude inquired about you & said she hoped you would come up soon as she is crazto see the little tyke No word from Lena yet we owe her a letter.