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Stoughton April 20th 1930

Dear Doris

A sunny pleasant Easter morning with a cool wind. we were out digging early. our forcythias are in full bloom, they are the only shrub out so early in the season, the daffodills are full of blossoms still. I fail to find any scabriosis seeds, but Pa thinks he has seen them in an envelope some where. I find cosmos that Lena saved & shall plant it today, in the hot bed. Frank Capen comes home Tuesday. & then I suppose the lot will be disposed of. George is digging away to find his line in back, where the blackberries have spread over onto the lot he owns. he says "God pity the one who has to clear that patch", he got pretty well scratched up, what little he cleared. Pa cleared a patch in back what was Cynthias cess pool & it makes 

Transcription Notes:
Scabriosis - A Devonshire name for the sweet scabrios is mournful-widow, and in some places the red valerian (Centranthusntber) is known as scarlet-lightning.