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good as a kitten & no care whatever his father thinks. they said they had Ralph & Maude to supper the night before. Pa is mowing the grass. he says its wet to travel through. the boy ought to come to day to mow. the radio says showers & it certainly feels like it & looks hazy. every thing is looking fresh in the garden. I wet down some last night after supper. my Zinnias are in bloom & marygolds budding so by another week or ten days things will come ahead fine. our golden rod is not any where near in blossom yet. I hope you can hold out two more weeks of that damnable weather before you start up home. Poor Mrs C she is not sure of her folks being there when she gets here, but I suppose her family whom she lives will be glad to welcome her back. I hope they will all be there. well this is a disjointed letter with not much sense in it. George Ring has just been to borrow Pa's rubber boots he is going after blue berries. the paper is telling of temperatures in Boston just as hot as in Washington