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as they got so crowded in. I suppose I will shall go down town if Pa dont feel like it & he says now that he does'nt & is just holding on by his teeth untill you get home. This letter is pretty gloomy but I cant help it. I hope your heat down there wont do you all up before you get away. you ask about the radio it does not do good work as it should, but as you got it down there it cant be helped its impossible to catch Dykeman, between his work & his going down to his shore place where the family are this vacation, I give it up its the least of our troubles. I have not heard from Lena for over a week but presume that she will write if she is able this is all there is to write to day cheer up & dont let this letter worry you he may be all right after a little while but he nearly drives me crazy some times.
