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to pay in for Winnie is very thick with his wife. I was telling her how Richard filled Bealses' grandchilds mouth full of dirt & about strangled it, before he was sent off. she said that she never left him alone with the baby. & I said that he would not be accountable & I thought it was well to put her on her guard, for the babies sake, if nothing more. Mrs Ballentine is very social, we meet in her back yard frequently & Pa chats with her also. she likes here & thinks she chose a quiet neighborhood to live in. Ring is growing fat Billy Southworth was talking with us yesterday & said the idea of his taking three months off for that mere little operation, no ambition in him, ridiculous. there his wife Billies with everything inside her removed & never a murmur a brave little woman, that went about her work & you would never know anything ailed her