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PS Pa seems better natured this morning he is tuning in for the mornings news. the radio seems good natured also. it is a cool morning & we are both going downtown Ma

Stoughton July 8th 1931

Dear Doris
The rain continues pouring & no reprieve. I will have to go down tomorrow rain or shine. Pa is listening to hear the news it fades & then goes loud all in a breath but I guess its all right. we have not consulted Dykeman he is too busy about money from Bruce's rent. We sent it through the mail to him the 1st of July but don't expect to hear from him until the 12th as that is the time in the month, that it was paid last January. I have not cashed in your check, so you see we are far from running short. Talbot was here yesterday afternoon & Pa was feeling better. Lena wrote & her letter came in yesterday mornings mail, so on the