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him aready. he is good to bring up heavy orders any time. Lena saw Amos yesterday down town he spoke of coming up to see Pa soon. she said he was bothered about going up stairs, so I guess he is failing, but they don't realize it, for he is one to make the best of things. you are lucky to have someone to make over the babies little dresses. its a pity she hasn't some of the pieces to help out on. things are about the same here. Pa can't pick out much on the radio there are a great many more stations than then there used to be & much harder to find. but he manages with Lenas help to get the news flashes. Sandy McFarland was on the air early last night, we like him he cheeres one up & is very musical. well theres not anything more to write Lena is doing up the work the fire seems good windows are streaming up thermomiter is 56° degrees. Ma.