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is bad & then another one says the reverse. Ewing is against milk, but he dont know it all if he thinks he does a few things I dont think would effect him, he craves more nourishing food & nothing he eats hurts him. he says his head is gone, so give me something to eat. He likes the radio but it fades sometimes, its tone is good. there is a fine storm just started in at 4 'oclock & cold enough for a fire. Lena is getting out cross word puzzles. Pa is listing in, he got Rome, but the conversation was Italian, a woman talking. he is eating a piece of cake between times. we had a vegitable dinner & rice pudding. he seemed to relish it much. Jack Rhodes has had a bad spell. his wife came up & told me he was too still to be natural. he cant walk either this hill has been hit hard Mrs Ring think Mrs Ballentine is sick she had the Dr yesterday. We have not seen her for a week then she was just started with a bad cold.