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Raymond. Effie is growing stout, but Edna is looking better than she did a year ago. & is still on her job. Lena is out under her tree correcting papers. we went down town last night they both persuaided me to get a hat to wear to Alice Talbots funeral tomorrow in the funeral parlors but I thought it foolish just the same but to keep peace in the family I gave in & Lena went down to help pick it out, they had marked it down a dollar. Mrs Griffin thought the babies picture looked like Hazel & so did Effie. I told them she was social like her also. there is a flock of starlings out here squaking. an old one & her seven babies. they are clamoring to be fed awful squaky. we get your letters pretty regular. mine I try not to have Lena go down on purpose with. Pa dont feel like going down while its so hot. two days of this extreme weather, but the sun has gone in this afternoon & looks like rain, or a shower. our iris are just coming in to bloom it looked fine up in the cemetry to day, well decorated. Ma