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Stoughton May 16th 1931
Dear Doris
Another sunny day is breaking + I guess our line storm is ended at last. Pa has started in on spading up the garden for the tomatoes. I try to have him do a little at a time + go easy so he can do each day some + not get too tired out, as there is lots of time before I can set them out. Lena is eating her breakfast. before going down town. she came home from Boston last night with a blue enam eled cooking dish + a covered roaster of the same kind of ware. Talbot came up yester day + as he was getting ready to go I went out to interview him + he said he thought Pa of 6-0° better than when he was here last time + no gassing. he seemed much pleased. so I told him to come again for Pa enjoyed his coming, he got lonesome