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Stoughton May 10th 1931

Dear Doris
After a severe rain with thunder & lightning it ended with the wind turning to the NW and settling into a cold storm the thermometer dropping 10° since morning yesterday was an ideal day nice & sunny 
Talbot came up in the afternoon & the Smith boy came & mowed our lawn & then took down the mower to be fixed up at [[Patnues?]] on Porter Street. he borrowed Georges as ours did not cut good & Pa could not fix it. but he said ours run easier than his. The man came to clear out Ballentines back yard he has sawed up both of those logs & got the loose wood piled up ready to carry away. he is going to cut down the other dead tree where they (Ring & Conlon) have their radio attached & it began to rain then, so he had to give it up to day 

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P.S  We think Pa is improving some 
he read his Sunday paper & seemed to sense what little he read 
he is not as fractious these few days past either, but is so hungry for his meals. & he thinks he dont have any thing to eat he is sound asleep in his chair & its 7 oclock
Lena is corecting [[correcting]] her Papers. he has to read every thing I write to you   Ma.
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