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our deviding [[dividing]] line is shady all the afternoon, their house hides it from much sun as you know, so it would be useless to lay out much on that. They have not started to clear up their back yard, yet when they do it will be interesting to watch the proceeding. so the little song sparrow will have to build some where else. George says they are building already. I hear them when I am raking in the back yard.
Mrs Elmes is home a month earlier than common. I guess she thought they were as cold down there, as it would be here. the Onie Smith boys are working for her & fixing the flower beds ready for seed, they are good to work & she can boss them all she likes & they take it in good form. I am glad the teeth are not bothering, the others will come along soon I presume. you did not tell us how your cold was acting. Teeth are troublesome ever, Jack said he did not feel it when they took his out this winter, now they cocain the jaw & it is not much to have them out, I guess Jack would make as much fuss as any one, the way he complains about every thing that happens to him. it is herrin [[herring]] time out here & they are just right before they salt them too much. we are eating oysters also. this is the last month they are around, we like them for supper creamed. Pa eats well & sleeps good, but he is tired out, & says his head is "crooked" he ought to have a rest No doubt. but being out in the air is good for him & gives him an appetite usually 
I am going down town this afternoon & shall call on Maude on my way home. they come here every week to talk bank with Pa. Monday the bank had a meeting & Pa didnt get home 'till late, pretty lively time they had amongst them. women folks would pulled hair.   Ma