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Stoughton April 1st 1931

Dear Doris-
A rainy morning with wind North West, Pa is to start out on the road to day. he went to Cemetry meeting last night to hear complaint & to answer the kickers, I do wish he would get out of that Cemetery business every body is finding fault its impossible to suite [[suit]] the public & all they get is kicks out of it. Ralph was there & he belongs. he & Maude were here Monday night they came over to bring the little hankerchief [[handkerchief]], but we had sent off the box. I shall be glad if the baby ever gets so she eats without forceing. I dont remember that I ever had such a time with mine. you would not eat peas or tomatoes, but liked turnip always & squash babies are kept on a stricter diet to what they used to be but then they are no better as I can see, it may be I am old fashioned though I am sorry Mrs Cuttings leg is so bothersome, hope its better by now. there is something to bother one always. yesterday we were raking up our yard. Pa brought home a bamboo rake & its fun to clean up the yard with. Mrs Ballentine saw us out & she came over to chat with us, she seems cordial & spoke about her back yard, so Pa felt it was a fitting time to mention about the Locust, she was surprised to know the nature of it. Pa told her it was liable to crop up out of the dirt her brother had carted over to his place to fill in