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June 28th 1932

Dear Doris

There was no postman this forenoon & so your letter remained waiting & to have it go through to day  I went to the office after one O'clock & put it in & they gave me your letter & [[Brelyn/Evelyn?]] said the mails were delayed. so coming home I stopped in to Lotties & Mrs Churchill was on her piazza & stopped a minute & spoke with her. Pa hardly knew I was gone. he has got it in his head that I dont know about their charging on their letters & that there is a three cent stamp. you cant get his mind changed on any thing if you go to the devil. so the best way is to say nothing & let him forget it.  The wind got out into the North West & it is much cooler than yesterday. everything looks lovely  I wet down nights & mornings & my tomatoes are doing fine they are buddied

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PS  Berries are getting ripe over in the field
I got enoug [[enough]] for a saucer pie to night.  Ma
Wish you could get more sleep 
too bad Pa is just the same & no more sleep for me after 5 in the morning   Ma
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