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I had a strawberry short cake for supper + Pa liked it for he said after he ate it that it was his last supper. as he usually says after eating more than he thinks he ought to. there are enough berries left for to nights supper I have them mixed up in sugar down cellar. everything keeps cool down there. + as long as there is no meat its all right for what little food we have to keep over. my eggs, butter + milk + sometimes puddings + custards. I dont have enough milk for junkets. I use evaporated milk a lot for cooking. + I find it much cheaper, we are not fussy. Arthur is very fond of his custards, so let him have them cooking eggs are cheap. they dont agree with my digestion too eggy. but I eat them some. Tomorrow I am going to make a cherry pie. I may have to eat it all myself as Pa is terrible freaky about his eating. he only eats fruit when the freak takes him. so I never can reckon on him. he confines his eating lately to sweets he is getting tired of vegetables. + turns his nose up to dinners + says I cant eat [[underline]] that [[/underline]]. its really disgusting some times. + it spoils my dinner. nothing can get him outdoors
