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June 23rd 1932

Dear Doris.

We had showers in the night but nothing heavy & this morning it cleared off cool & windy. it seems good after the heat of yesterday.

I got a letter from Lena this forenoon she is out with Miss Garland & threatens to get away from there. but I am sorry the Pettengills are good people after her own heart & it may be some time before she finds any one that is like them. I wish she had the home she likes & people who are congenial to her to live with. she is altogether too sensitive. 

I am sorry to hear such unfavorable reports about your work & hope it may turn out better than you imagine these are certainly trying times for every one to live through & earn money. a great struggle for existance [[existence]] throughout the country. they are beginning to realize it more & more. I dont know where its going to end, or what was the cause. its here I guess for keeps. I dont hear from Alice or any of her family so that makes me think she has not any job. for if she had she would 

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PS  Ralph just called around he was going after Maude to the garden party. he did not get out I was out front trimming my forcythia [[forsythia]] bush  he said his rock garden was fine  he got it larger than when I saw it the other night he said
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